What Inspires me
Throughout my life, I have been intrigued by human personality, psychology, leadership, and team-building. As a devout Christian, my world-view and faith lay a solid foundation of growth and hope, while my passion to understand human psyche and unique personalities, coupled with my history as a leader of teams and movements empowers me to rally teams and bring order to lives.
I was introduced to the Enneagram as a psychological tool several years ago and have embraced the beautiful intuition of this tool as a means of understanding personality, identifying motives, clearing obstacles, and striving forward individually and as a team toward health and vitality.
On a personal note I am an enneagram 5 with a very high wing 4. I am a poet, a musician, and a bibliophile. My hands are often filled with a book or a guitar, my mind is constantly humming with new ideas, and my mouth is ever spewing both helpful and useless information. I reside in Clearwater, Florida, with my wife and three children.